The Town of Mooresville owns and operates a complex wastewater collection and treatment system providing service to residential, commercial and industrial customers throughout the Town. Historically growth in Mooresville has occurred on the west side of Town near Lake Norman, but in recent years the Town is experiencing significant industrial and residential growth to the north and east. These areas are served by a series of pumping stations and force mains constructed during the 1960s and 1970s. The Town therefore has elected to expand their wastewater conveyance system on the east side of Town by completing the construction of the Rocky River Outfall which would provide additional capacity and make way for new industrial development to the north side of Town.
The Rocky River Outfall project includes installation of approximately 9,200 feet of 36-inch and 42-inch outfall along Rocky River and would eliminate several major pumping stations that have reached their capacity. Despite some difficult construction conditions the contractor completed this project in 2019 well under the estimated construction budget.